You know the scene. I'm talking about the morning parking lot scene where we moms hurriedly thrust backpacks, lunches and kisses onto our precocious bundles of joy and then watch them meander like confused lemmings across 100 feet of...
Tragedy, neglect, addiction, manipulation - all these words can describe "The Con Man's Daughter" by Candice Curry. Yet, this memoir is so much more than this. It is a story of triumph over tragedy, love over pain, and forgiveness...
When I learned my first baby would be a girl, I was nervous. Years of ups and downs in my relationship with my mother had left me with a great deal of apprehension about mothering my own daughter. I...
A lot of ink gets spilled about Mom Guilt. That creeping, nagging feeling, however true or untrue, that we could have done it better. We members of the motherhood tribe are capable of making ourselves feel bad for any...
Mid-winter. That blah time of year smack in-between 'post-holiday cheer' and 'pre-spring joy.' Ugh.  My husband is a pilot. And when the weather is bad, he doesn't fly. And in the mid-winter, the weather is bad a lot. So, this time...
Mothers protect children. All around the world, across the majority of the animal kingdom, mothers protect children. We carry our babies for nine months in our womb, snuggled beneath our hearts. We eat the right things and do the right things...
I am guilty of obsessing over others’ responses to tragedy. By this, I mean, I take to the deep dark vortex of news websites, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and scroll until my thumbs grow numb. On social media, my friends...
Since my first pregnancy seven years ago, I have come to relax … a lot. But first a disclaimer: The information included in this article is not directly supported by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (acog.org). Please consult...
It happened to me when my third child was two months old. My husband was on a remote tour in South Korea. We were lucky because his mid-tour leave lined up perfectly, so he was home for the birth...
At the time of this writing, I have an 8-day  3 week one month old baby. (I was optimistic about getting this post done. Clearly I was delusional.) She is my second born, and so far she is spectacular.  But let's back...
I experienced many challenging days as a new mother. I spilled my guts in a previous post about how difficult it was for me to move to a new country when my first daughter was just 3 months old. I...
We all know that our children are not born with instruction manuals to hand us at their births. No one in the world can warn first-time parents about all of the struggle, strife, hardships, pain, suffering, etc. that go...

Military Lifestyle

Embracing a Memorable Family Life in Italy

Vicenza, Italy has long been considered one of the Army’s most coveted duty stations. As soon as I realized I would be married to...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before