If you’re anything like me, self-care is something that often gets pushed into the ‘nice to do’ pile rather than ‘must do.  This is especially true during deployments but I often find it slipping at other times too.  One...
This is the month you will find allll the recommendations on how to spice up your sex life. And while I’m a typical contributor of such advice, I wanted to do something different this February. As a military spouse,...
It's that time of year... new beginnings and excitement about trying new things (or old things, for that matter). You're pumped. You're ready to tackle that thing you've been waiting all of last year to crush this year. Last...
If you are like me, this concept is relatively new to you too. I only came to know the term Dry January during a conversation with a neighbor as January came to close in 2022. She felt healthy, mentally...
“You doing ok?” I asked my friend.  “I don’t know,” she said as we walked along the trail. “I just feel…” she paused searching for the right word.  I could sense the word she was thinking for. “Overwhelmed?” I asked her.  “Honestly,...
If you haven't had "We Don't Talk About Bruno" stuck in your head over the past few months, you may be living under a rock. I would love to join you under that rock; now that my three-year-old has figured...
Feeling constantly overwhelmed, being pulled in all different directions, trying to make everyone happy and putting yourself last. Does that sound familiar? I struggled with boundaries for most of my adult life. As a teacher, I had a hard time...
In an age of ever-busier schedules and increasing digital distractions, a date is often recommended as a good way to keep your relationships connected and strong. We're all familiar with the concept of weekly date night with your spouse or...
What surprised me the most about hot flashes is how they almost feel like contractions. The slow wave, the tensing, the immersion in sensation, the fad, and the relief when the discomfort is over. The way I get through...
I watched Sex and the City on repeat in my college years. My girlfriends and I would gather around our living room TV with bowls of popcorn and glasses of wine. We would stay up late in the night...
I go through seasons with the way I make my coffee. How I prepare the brew seems to mirror the season I'm in. As of late, my cup of caffeine is ready in about two minutes flat, thanks to...
If your best friend, neighbor, sibling, or a total stranger in the parking lot of the grocery store told you that: they felt like they were failing as a parent that their children’s behavior was a disaster some days ...

Military Lifestyle

Chow Runner, Flight Guidon, Element Leader – OH MY!

While attending BMT for the world’s greatest Air Force, trainees find themselves assigned to certain job duties – Chow Runners, Flight Guidon, or Road...
Writing Ideas

Writing to your Trainee

We Were Lovers Before